First Family Team

The Faithful First Family Leadership serves as one team whose mission is to serve by using their gifts, energy and resources to make life within the Lord’s church a great experience for everyone.

Rev. Dr. Todd. C. Davidson

757-723-0988, Ext. 16

Jacquelyn M. King 

Executive Administrator
757-723-0988, Ext. 14

Charles Cotton

Minister of Music
757-723-0988, Ext. 19

Eve-Mary Dabney 

Financial Administrator
757-723-0988, Ext. 24

Myra Cooper

Finance Assistant
757-723-0988, Ext. 22

Reverend Joya R. Moore

Youth and Young Adult Pastor
757-723-0988, Ext. 21

Claude Gist

Facilities Manager
757-723-0988, Ext. 35

Richard Jarvis

757-723-0988, Ext. 12

Laura Askew

757-723-0988, Ext. 12