Sunday School
Weekly Sunday School Schedule
Sunday School is a small group Bible study in a comfortable environment to help you grow in your faith. Choose the class that is best for you!
- Men’s Intergenerational Sunday School class: Room 307
- Multiple generations of men studying God’s Word together
- St. Paul Sunday School Class: Room 302
- Adults who regularly worship God by studying His Holy Word Available on Zoom
- Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 821 6039 2432 | Passcode: 513279
- Vineyard Worker’s Sunday School Class: Room 303
- Co-ed class for adults of all ages discussing the Word of God
- Women’s Intergenerational Sunday School Class: Room 308
- Multiple generations of women studying God’s Word together
- High School – Grades 9-12: Second Floor
- Youth studying the word of God and applying it with real life situations and experiences through open conversation
- Youth – Grades K-8: Second Floor
- Join FBCH’s Youth Pastor and children grades K-8 as they engage the bible through group discussions and hands on activities
We look forward to seeing you in Sunday School!
Questions about Sunday School? Please contact us at: sundayschool@thefbch.org